Home compostable and plastic free.
We are lovers of the ocean trying to squeeze in a surf here and there, bush walking, gardening and being in nature as much as we can. We will do everything we can to protect our precious environment by making our packaging as sustainable and recyclable as possible.
The day it all changed.
Walking our local beach one morning we found a Pure Pops wrapper buried in the sand. We realised our wrappers were headed to the ocean and it didn't feel good. That very day we decided to provide a better choice for us, our kids and the planet.
Our first run of Pure Pops in a non-plastic film was released in 2019 and we have now made the complete conversion for all of our wrappers. Since that first run we have saved 722km (Sydney to Byron Bay road trip!) of plastic film being tossed into landfill or choking the ocean.
Frozen products make everything trickier (why didn’t we make dry pasta?!) It needs to seal well, create a barrier, stop icicles forming and not start to bio-degrade in the freezer. Not to mention home compostable film is 6-8 times more expensive than plastic.
We stuck with it and through a lot of trial and error we got there! It is a joy to add our wrappers to the compost bin and see them disappear. It takes less than 26 weeks - that’s quicker than a pineapple top.
Our footprint matters. Pure Pops on average are eaten in under two minutes yet our wrappers would be around for hundreds of years. Our quest for plastic free packaging has kick started our sustainability journey and we are super excited to continue making the best tasting pop that doesn’t cost the planet.
Please see below our sustainability and UN alignments.
Love, Georgi and Alice
Our commitment to emissions goals
Pure Pops is working closely with Carbon Neutral to define and measure our goals to drive emissions reductions consistent with the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Paris Agreement by 2030. For years we have made our own commitments in reducing our carbon footprint and update regularly.
Direct Emissions achievements to date include:
a. We made the move to 100% plastic-free, compostable packaging instead of traditional plastics typically used for frozen products. We actively promote home composting through our partnership with Subpod and are expanding our collaboration with local councils to introduce more FOGO bins, reducing emissions in landfills. Since switching to compostable packaging in FY19/20, Pure Pops has diverted 12,923 kg of plastic from landfill. On a smaller scale our staff compost onsite.
b. In our commitment to creating environmentally friendly and sustainable point-of-sale solutions, Pure Pops handcrafts all A-frame signage from sustainable timber. These A-frames are maintained and repurposed annually, saving over 400 kg of plastic from potential landfill. All printed point-of-sale materials at Pure Pops are recyclable, and we continuously research methods to further reduce our environmental footprint.
c. Pure Pops recycles glass, plastics, and cardboard through IQRenew, whose advanced sorting and baling processes are pivotal in consolidating various recyclable material streams. These resources are efficiently prepared for transformation into new products and reuse applications. Pure Pops is currently diverting food and wrapper waste from landfills. Waste materials are collected and transported to the Veolia Earth Power facility in Camellia, Sydney, where they undergo processing into green energy for local communities and nutrient-rich soil improvers.
d. All retail freezers at Pure Pops use environmentally friendly refrigerants (R290 or R600). Our supplier Liebherr holds an EcoVadis Gold Medal Sustainability Rating.
2. Indirect Emissions from Power, Heating and Cooling Consumption - Our operations require refrigeration and freezer facilities for production and capacity for storage, and power for general purposes, all of which utilises electricity. We have undertaken the following:
Indirect Emissions from Power, Heating, and Cooling Consumption - Our operations require refrigeration and freezer facilities for production and storage, as well as electricity for general purposes. To mitigate our environmental impact, we have implemented the following measures:
a.Utilisation of 24.6 MWh solar energy annually from the solar system installed at our manufacturing and office in Brookvale.
b.Utilisation of Momentum electricity, Australia’s largest renewable generation company, known for its high rating in Greenpeace’s Green Electricity Guide.
3. Indirect Emissions within Value Chain but out of our Direct Control - This segment represents a significant component for most food manufacturers. At Pure Pops, we collaborate closely with stakeholders across our value chain to minimise indirect emissions.
Pure Pops processes large quantities of whole fruit.. Working with wholesale suppliers and farmers to adopt recyclable bulk or reusable packaging, aiming to reduce single-use plastics in our supply chain to only 20% by 2027. Switching to bulk Jersey milk bladders alone has saved Pure Pops 413 kg of plastic waste per year.
Sourcing domestic fruit and dairy suppliers to reduce food miles in the supply chain for key inputs
Working directly with farmers and suppliers (eg Norco, Cocoa Horizons) who practise sustainable and ethical farming practices.
Pure Pops believes in doing what is good for you, and that includes doing what is good for the planet. We are aligned to the following United Nations Sustainability Goals:
Goal 5: Gender Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Fair employment practices see our team with women in 75% of management positions.
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Solar panels and use of Momentum Electricity
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Reduce waste and single use consumption through our entire supply chain (in particular plastic free compostable packaging) and within our operations.
Goal 13: Climate action - working with partners like Surfers for Climate to promote awareness and ultimately turn the tide on climate change
Goal 14: Life Below Water Plastics reduction plan through the elimination of single use plastics and plastic free compostable wrappers in our packaging and entire supply chain
Goal 15: Life on Land Plant-a-tree planting, FSC certified packaging and ice cream sticks and the use of sustainable agricultural practices in our supply chain. Pure Pops is a member of Zoo and Aquarium Association of Australasia working in partnership for the mission of conservation and saving wildlife.